Sunday, August 12, 2012

Simple, lofty beginnings

Saturday, May 12th, Oklahoma State GOP Convention. I had joined the hundreds of lovers of liberty in support of Ron Paul. This group had been working tirelessly since 2008 to spread the message of individual liberty, culminating in an apparent showdown with the establishment at the state convention. The tension was palpable as soon as I joined the registration line. This tension boiled over when the chairman called for a voice vote rather than the standard role call vote to determine what kind of support would come from the 25 delegates and 25 alternatives from Oklahoma Instead of following their own rules and acknowledging every delegate's right to cast an individual ballot, the GOP asserted their tyrannical power over the preceedings and made sure their slate was passed.

This experience capped off years of searching, questioning, theorizing, pondering this overarching question: How do I, as a God-fearing Christian and believer in individual liberty in this world, relate to the culture at hand and ultimately affect change for the good of those around me? And more specifically, how does this play out in the politcal arena?

This blog is an effort to wrestle with the concept of in the world but not of it, to bring the intangible to the tangible; to use ideas and theories as building materials for concrete structures. 

Question everything, for Truth will prove itself. Alongside my good friend and co-blogger Lukus Collins, I endeavor to find Truth where it can be had; and for this end a revolution is in order.

Brenden Gateley